Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the structure of having sessions work?

    The client who seeks counselling will be able to get specific guidance from the counsellor who they would be assigned to work with. However, the counselling sessions will range from 6- 8 sessions per client on average.

  • Mainly we are offering counselling online. We are based currently in UK and will extend our services abroad, namely; India and Canada as well. We do have counsellors offering services from the above mentioned locations who will be able to provide online sessions.

  • We currently provide Integrative counselling with CBT and SFBT approaches. You can discuss further with the counsellor on your inclination to a certain therapy but based on the expertise of therapist we have listed the above mentioned therapy approaches. We provide counselling services for victims suffering from PTSD from trauma caused by any triggering factor. For instance, flashbacks from a crime etc.

  • Yes, it is possible. The service aims to cater to your specific need and hence you will go through an assessment phase during which you will be able to gain more information on who you would like to book with and also discuss other details. The allocation of therapists is case specific and the booking in will be done with the best interests of the client in mind.

  • We offer counselling services and we are not able to provide clinical and psychiatric help presently. We offer an average of 6-8 sessions or more depending on the need of the client and the expertise of the counsellor concerned.

  • Yes it is possible. We are able to offer skype and telephonic sessions. Currently due to the pandemic we are able to only see clients through skype or telephone and we will be able to cater to the needs of our clients in the future if they are unable to get to an appointment.

  • Yes we do have a child therapist on board who has worked with children and adolescents in various settings who will be able to take on child clients, if the need arises.

  • We have provided emergency contact details in this website which act as helplines that you can call to discuss an emergency or to make an appointment. We also have provided a description box with provision for you to provide your contact details in order for us to get in touch with you.

  • We currently do not provide home visits due to the pandemic and hence are completely providing virtual services but in the future we will be able to discuss with the client and in unavoidable circumstances we can discuss that as an option.

  • Not necessarliy. It is true that face-to-face counselling is considered to be the best method of counselling. Telephone and skype sessions are seen to be equally effective and therapeutic with positive outcomes. Due to the pandemic, we are currently offering skype and telephonic sessions.